Noticias St. Louis Rams

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QB Sam Bradford – Press Conference 9/11/13

September 11, 2013


(On the challenges that Atlanta poses)

“They’re a good defense. They’ve very multiple in what they do. They’re going to throw a lot of different coverages, some different blitz looks on third downs. It’s going to be very important that we play with our eyes. Skill guys, we’ve got to see what they’re showing us pre-snap, but you’ve got to see the coverage post-snap because odds are it’s not going to be what they’re showing us pre-snap.”

(On the performance of the offensive line)

“I feel really good. I think those guys up front did a great job. We were very efficient in the pass game, and a big part of it was because of those guys. They kept the rush off. They didn’t have an easy job to do. That was a good defensive front that we faced on Sunday, and those guys played really well up front.”

(On what Falcons RB Steven Jackson meant to the team)

“’Jack’ meant a ton both on the field and off the field. I think I learned more about being a leader from ‘Jack’ than probably anything just watching the way that he handled himself in different situations in the locker room and on the field. Then obviously, on the field he had so much experience. He was really able to kind of help me in things that he saw, so having ‘Jack’ here was really invaluable for me.”

(On if he thinks it will change week to week which skill player shines on offense)

“Yeah, I think it just shows how deep we are at the skill positions. At tight end and wide receiver, even running back. Teams are going to have to look at who they want to try to stop, who they’re going to game plan for, but you can only double so many people. If they want to double (TE Jared) Cook this week, that’s going to leave a lot of singles (coverage) out there for (WRs) Chris (Givens), Tavon (Austin), ‘A.P.’ (Austin Pettis), (RBs Isaiah) Pead, Daryl (Richardson). I think you’re going to see the ball spread around quite a bit this year.”

(On how the young running backs are doing in filling the void of Steven Jackson)

“I think they’re doing a great job. Obviously, it’s tough, ‘Jack’ meant so much to this offense and to this organization while he was here. I think the greatest thing is that both Pead and Daryl were here last year and got to learn from him, and they got to see the way he approached the game and the way he worked. I think that I’ve seen those guys try to emulate that during the week of practice and in their preparation, and I think they’re doing a really good job of that.”

(On if the lack of experience at running back is a factor)

“No. I think those guys, they stepped up. They knew in the spring when ‘Jack’ left that it was time for them to grow up and time for them to mature and that they needed to have a really good spring and good training camp. I think they all did. They understood that they were in a competition for the starting running back job. They approached it like that every day. I think they really pushed each other to get better, and I think they’ve made tremendous strides from last year to this year.”

(On his performance in the fourth quarter)

“Obviously the fourth quarter is important but it’s just one quarter. Last week, we did some really good things obviously to come back and find a way to win. That’s definitely a big positive. But, at the same time, there were opportunities that we had in those first three quarters to probably put that game away or at least not put ourselves in that big of a hole. So, even though we did a great job in the fourth quarter, I think we’ve got to look at the whole performance, and there were a lot of things that needed to get cleaned up going into this week.”

(On if a positive response after making a mistake is a matter of pride)

“Oh, yeah. No doubt. We talk all the time, at quarterback you’ve got to have a short memory. Good play, bad play, it doesn’t matter. As soon as that play’s over, it’s over and you move on to the next one. Obviously, the interception, it was a big play. It game them seven points, it was unfortunate. But after it was over, there was nothing I could do about it except go out and play well and try to help my team come back and win.”

(On if having a short memory is difficult)

“I think when I was younger, especially in college, it was something that I struggled with. I let plays linger and hang on, and I think ‘Schotty’s’ (Offensive Coordinator Brian Schottenheimer) been really good about helping me get over that. It doesn’t matter. One play is one play, and whether it’s good or bad you’ve got to move on to the next one.”

(On if he is excited to utilize more of the playbook)

“Yeah. Let’s not get it wrong, I don’t think we were holding a whole lot back last week, but obviously there are some wrinkles that we have. I think the greatest thing about last week was we didn’t convert some opportunities, sudden changes when the defense gave us the ball in good field position. We still found a way to score 27 points, so it’s going to be interesting to see what we can do when we are clicking on all cylinders and take advantage of all those opportunities.”

(On moving on from Jackson’s departure)

“It was definitely a little different around here those first couple weeks without him here. I think the biggest thing was last week or a couple weeks ago when we were playing Baltimore in the preseason, turning on the film and actually seeing him in the Falcons jersey – that was really weird to see that. I think it’s a credit to the guys in this locker room and especially the guys in the running back position, I think that they’ve really stepped up. They’ve matured a lot and they’ve helped fill that void.”

(On if he thinks Chip Kelly’s and the Eagles’ offensive scheme is sustainable in the NFL)

“To be honest, I don’t know. It’ll be interesting to see. It was definitely pretty fun to watch the other night, especially in that first half. But, I think that still remains to be seen and we’ll find out.”

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RB Steven Jackson Atlanta Falcons – Conference Call

September 11, 2013


(On how he’s settling in)

“It’s going good. Now being here throughout the spring and now through summer, I’ve kind of settled in, which is good. It was kind of a rough start at the beginning because the guys as an offense, they’ve been together for so long that when I was coming in trying to learn the offense, they were already operating in mid-season form.”

(On fitting in to the new group)

“It was actually quite different because over the years in St. Louis, typically we’ll be running the offense all together as a unit… as far as just one individual coming in and trying to get on board with everyone.”

(On if felt strange putting on a Falcons uniform for the first time)

“Actually, it didn’t feel different until I actually saw it on film. When you actually look at it and you see yourself in red and black instead of the blue and gold, it was quite different then. It’s been a little bit different this week studying the guys, looking at them schematically, differently than I have over the years. It’s separating the personal from the business.”

(On if separating business and personal issues has been tough)

“No, it hasn’t been tough. Those guys, they give me a hard time already, so it hasn’t been tough at all.”

(On talking with his old teammates)

“I am. They’ve done a good job of just checking in on me periodically, making sure that things are going smooth for me and they wish me the best of luck on this season. We’ve all mutually agreed that we’re going to play each other hard come Sunday, but after that we’re going to root each other on throughout the season.”

(On it means a lot to him that his old teammates keep in touch)

“It really does because over the years, having so many different teammates, you really never know if you really have any impact on the guys that are there now. Staying in touch with some of the guys around the building, it means a lot. Sometimes when you leave a situation, you’re quickly forgotten because you’re not around but the guys have been good to me.”

(On the advice he’s given to Rams RB Daryl Richardson)

“I talk to Daryl on various things, we don’t only talk football. I talk to him mainly about how to handle being a pro and that entails being on the field and off the field. How to conduct yourself during interviews, how to take care of his body throughout the week and continually how to make yourself better. It’s those dog days where no one wants to go to practice, no one wants to work, that you have to push yourself through and kind of mirror yourself as an engine. When guys are down or you’re having a sluggish practice, you’ve got to come out running hard to motivate guys, to up the ante.”

(On if he ever discussed a revised deal to re-sign with the Rams)

“We talked about just going forward in my career and what were my expectations, what did I want to look for and how did I want to go out ending my career. Once we sat down and saw that they were going to allow me to go to the free agent market, then I left it to the business of my agent. I went away on one of my safari runs and I just got away from it all. I put the criteria together as a list, I was telling my agent, ‘If teams are not looking at using me to the way in wanted to be used, don’t even interrupt my vacation.’ I just let him deal with it from there.”

(On if retirement was a consideration if a team did not want to utilize him how he thought he should be)

“Yes it was. It was a real, legitimate option for me. It probably wouldn’t have been fun now this time of the year because I know I have a lot left in the tank, but I’m one of those hard-headed guys. Once I believe in something, I stick to it.”

(On if he changed his regiment at all moving into this season)

“It hasn’t changed much, honestly. If anything, I’ve been eating stricter. I’ve been on a more of a lean, hard diet of mine. I’ve gone gluten free now. I’m trying to stay away from as much carbohydrates as possible outside of vegetables to make sure that inflammation and the dog days of some of the tough games don’t get to me. I’m able to recover and be ready for the next game. I’m very aware that as the body gets a little older, things slow down. So, I’m trying to just curve and stay ahead of it and hedge the longevity of my career.”

(On working with the Atlanta coaches)

“Coach (Mike) Smith does a good job of facilitating the team overall even though he comes from a defensive background, but he spends a lot of time with the offense. He’s very knowledgeable about his opponents and preparing a team, making sure that we know the guys that we’re getting ready to face. But, he does a really good job also of being in constant contact with guys on and off the field, so you really feel like you’re really getting to know someone that genuinely cares about you. As far as (Offensive Coordinator Dirk) Koetter, we actually go back some years. He recruited me in college, so when he was Arizona State I was coming out as a young man. We had some history there, so it was really cool to actually now work together and be under his tutelage. He does a really good of play calling, and I can only imagine the stress he’s under upstairs because he has a lot of guys to get the ball to. As far as the offense itself, a lot of playmakers and a huddle full of guys that are capable of doing things but a lot of guys that are not selfish. No big egos and that was a pleasant surprise because you never know. You have some guys, even like with (TE) Tony (Gonzalez), a future hall of famer, you never know, are they willing to take one for the team? But these guys in the huddle have been absolutely, it’s been a smooth transition and absolutely good to me.”

(On if his leadership approach changed)

“I’ve come in quietly and just been myself. I believe one of the attributes of a strong leader is knowing when to lead and when to back off and follow. This year, I’ve really taken on that role of just sitting back, allowing the guys to continue to operate the way they have over the years. If I see a need to step up and say something, especially to the offensive line, that’s when I’ll step in and take my leadership role. But other than that, I’ve just actually fallen back and taken on being a follower just trying to see how things are done around here in Atlanta.”

(On what he sees from the Rams defense)

“I see (DE) Robert Quinn has a great track stance and he’s getting off the ball as fast as ever. All jokes aside, the guys are playing good. You can see that they’re definitely comfortable in their second year with (Head) Coach (Jeff) Fisher. They’re playing tough football, smart football and they’re as physical and feisty as ever. The very thing that when Coach Fisher came in and that the Rams are going to be, they’re doing that, and the guys have started off great as in Week 1.”

(On if he’s extra motivated to play his old team)

“I’d be lying to say I don’t want to get the win, of course I want to get the win, but I have to come out there and just remain in the zone, in my focus and not get too up. When you allow emotions to take over, your wind becomes short, you’re not even thinking, you’re not on you’re A-game. So, I have to remind myself to stay in control, have the intensity that I normally play with, but dial-in and treat this game as if it’s one that I’m preparing and I have done over the years.”

(On what he misses about St. Louis and Rams Park)

“There’s a few things definitely that I miss about St. Louis. One is being with my family. I still have family in the area. And two, outside of everything over the difficulty over the years, a lot of my teammates were actually the staff. The equipment, the training staff, the people upstairs in the front office, those people that didn’t turnover, those actually are the people that I miss. When I left, I knew I wouldn’t have that contact anymore, so although I’ve been able to stay in contact with my former teammates, it’s been hard not to be able to talk to some of the people in the building that I’ve seen over the years, the last, past nine.”

(On if his departure from the Rams was as smooth as it seemed from the outside)

“When two parties go separate ways, there’s always going to be somewhat of a sour taste in one or both parties’ mouths. But I think this one, we handled it as professionally as possible and I can only thank the ownership for that.”

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Head Coach Jeff Fisher – Press Conference 9/6/13

September 6, 2013


(On the team’s level of excitement heading into the season opener)

“Obviously, they’re very excited about it. We still have some things that you do between now and kickoff. So I mean as far as today is concerned, they’re pretty much done. The guys will have some individual meetings on their own, and then we’ll just have a final walk-thru tomorrow. They understand that the key to this thing early is going to be our ability to adjust just because we won’t be able to necessarily predict what we’re going to see.”

(On the home crowd advantage)

“There’s an advantage to it and our players look forward to it. It’s difficult for an opposing offense to communicate when you’ve got a defensive line like we do and it’s loud. It puts a lot of pressure on the defensive line, so we like to keep it as loud as we can for as long as we can.”

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Head Coach Jeff Fisher – Press Conference 9/4/13

September 4, 2013


(On the reasons for LB Jo-Lonn Dunbar’s release)

“We’re going to continue to make roster moves probably throughout the year. We thought it was in the best interest of the organization right now to make that move, and we’ll just address things down the road, I guess. But, we’re scouring the waiver wire right now and trying to put ourselves in a position to upgrade the bottom half of the roster.”

(On if Dunbar’s release was because of the four-game suspension)

“Well, we haven’t said this is it as far as his future’s concerned here, but we felt it was in the best interest of the organization right now.”

(On if there is a possibility that Dunbar would return to the team)

“Of course, there’s a good possibility. Anything’s possible.”

(On if there were any other incidents or problems after Dunbar’s suspension)

“There was nothing, no. He and I discussed it, we shared it with you guys, we got it put behind us with the club and his teammates are concerned. There were no other issues. It was just a decision we had to make.”

(On if there is any concern with the youth in the back-up spots now that Dunbar is not on the roster)

“Well, he wasn’t going to be here for four weeks anyway. So, we’re going to continue to look and see what’s out there.”

(On what his confidence level is like in LB Will Witherspoon)

“’Spoon’s done a great job since he’s been here. He’s been a consistent, productive player every place he’s been. Obviously, we brought Will in here with the knowledge that Jo-Lonn was not going to be available.”

(On DE Eugene Sims’ contract extension)

“Along the same lines, we’re planning for our future, and we felt it was in the best interest of the club to lock him in for a few more years. It was a good deal for both sides, and we’ve got a solid defensive front now for a number of years to come.”

(On what he expects to see out of QB Sam Bradford this season)

“Sam’s going to go out there and just play the position and execute. We felt like he’s had a great camp and we feel he has a good feel for the plan right now. He knows the challenge that he’s up against from a defensive standpoint. It’s a new defense with talented players. He’s going to have his hands full, but we’ve got confidence in him that he’ll be able to put points on the board for us.”

(On how WR Tavon Austin’s preseason was and state of readiness for the season)

“He’s ready to go. He’s prepared to do whatever we ask him to do for us this week.”

(On if Austin has a good grasp of the playbook)

“Yes. He’s not had any issues whatsoever with our offense since his arrival.”

(On if LB Alec Ogletree progressed throughout the preseason)

“Yeah, Alec has improved each week. We saw steady improvement from preseason Game 1 all the way through the fourth one. Saw the highlights in week three, the things he’s capable of doing. It’s different. He’s not played an NFL game. His ability to adjust within the framework of our defensive scheme is going to be essential this week because that’s going to be important – on both sides of the ball for that matter, our ability to adjust.”

(On RB Chase Reynolds perseverance to make the 53-man roster)

“He’s done everything asked of him since his arrival, especially last year with the scout team stuff and the production in the preseason. He’s here, obviously, because we feel like he’s a core special teams player for us, and that’s what he’ll be doing this weekend.”

(On his concerns with the youth of the roster)

“No, that’s not an excuse. We’re young, but that’s not an excuse as far as what takes place on Sundays. We’re going to line people up because they’re ready to play. I think it’s a promising future for us, but I’m not concerned about it.”

(On if he likes working with ‘kids’)

“I raised three, but no. These are young men. They’re not kids, and they’re going to be ready to play.”

(On Cardinals QB Carson Palmer’s strengths)

“His strengths are his experience. He’s 6’5’’, he sees very well, he’s an accurate thrower, he protects the football. I’ve watched him in some great battles against some excellent quarterbacks over the years, and he’s hung in there. He controls things on the line of scrimmage. He masters the offense. They’ve got good people around him. He’ll put them in the best situation at any given time from a run/pass standpoint. He really is going to improve their football team.”

(On Cardinals CB Patrick Peterson playing offense)

“Well, he had four or five snaps – that’s all – this preseason. Again, it goes back to our ability to adjust. They’ve got four receivers on their roster, so one would expect to see him on the offensive side of the ball. We’ll approach him with respect because he’s a very dangerous weapon, but he also will be treated, defensively, like any other position that he lines up at.”

(On how the offense looked in their first day of preparation for Arizona after ‘vanilla’ game plans in the preseason)

“Everything was fine for our first day of preparation.”

(On how the offense was throughout camp)

“We’ve been pleased with its progress. You’ve been at practice. You’ve kind of got a sense for what we’re doing. We just have to carry it over to the game.”

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Los Rams firman a Sims por dos años mas


Los St. Louis Rams han firmado al DE Eugene Sims para una extensión de contrato de dos años, anunció el equipo el martes.

Sims está en su cuarto año con los Rams, y fue programado para convertirse en agente libre después de la temporada 2013. Su nuevo contrato se extiende a través de la campaña de 2015.

En sus tres primeras temporadas en St. Louis, Sims ha aparecido en 38 partidos y fue titular en dos. Registró 3.0 capturas la temporada pasada sumando una intercepción, 36 tacleadas, siete presiones de mariscal de campo y nueve hits de mariscal. Sims juega un papel clave en una línea defensiva que ayudó a St. Louis a empatar en el liderato de la NFL en capturas la temporada pasada.