Noticias St. Louis Rams

Archivo para agosto, 2013

Head Coach Jeff Fisher – Press Conference 8/30/13

August 30, 2013


(On what he liked out of Thursday night’s running game against Baltimore)

“Well, we saw 10 guys blocking pretty well, including the receivers. I thought the receivers did a better job blocking. We executed. They weren’t too awfully complicated, but we ran inside, we got the ball on the perimeter. I thought the backs ran with good vision. It was a productive day for us. We needed to get it back. We felt like this would be the week to work on it.”

(On how much QB Kellen Clemens helped his cause for the No. 2 quarterback spot last night against the Ravens after his performance against Green Bay)

“We take everything into consideration. His rough night in Green Bay – played a little bit later, didn’t have as great a supporting cast, and Green Bay was doing a lot of exotic pressures. He was under siege. Last night, he had protection, which he would if he’s going to be in the game with the starters. I thought he executed and did a nice job.”

(On what he liked about the defense’s performance last night, particularly the defensive line)

“Well, we played back-ups. They worked hard. I thought they handled the run concepts and the run schemes very well. I thought up front we controlled the line of scrimmage, but again, keep things in perspective. It was a fourth preseason game. But, I thought they played with effort. We got pressure on the quarterback. We didn’t do a lot of blitzing, but it was nice that some of the younger guys played well.”

(On WR Brian Quick’s performance against Baltimore and his play throughout the preseason)

“He’s improved, certainly improved throughout the offseason. The fumble was really tough on him because that’s a contested catch and trying to put the ball away and all that. But, he can show you what he’s capable of doing. He elevated, really did a nice job getting up in the air and securing the ball. He lost one last week, but he came back this week and hung onto the ball in tough situations.”

(On if he’s concerned about the fumbles overall)

“Yeah. (RB) Isaiah’s (Pead) got a couple on the ground. He’s going to have to get that corrected, but we found a common thread there. Hopefully we’ll get it behind him, but I’m not going to be hesitant to play him because he’s put two balls on the ground in preseason.”

(On if he thinks the penalties will go down once they finalize the 53-man roster)

“Yes, I do. Most of the penalties, as I mentioned after the game, were fouls committed by players that are either not on the roster or that are probably going to be inactive. We had very few penalties in the game yesterday by players that are going to play for us. (WR Austin) ‘A.P.’s’ (Pettis) penalty was not A.P.’s fault, the offensive pass interference was not his fault.”

(On if the penalties throughout the preseason were largely committed by players that have been released)

“There’s a number of penalties that were committed by players that are either going to be on the practice squad or not here or be in backup roles. The special teams penalties, that’s a concern, but usually when you’re working your core guys and we’ll put the pressure on them that we put on there – there was a couple things that happened – but really, I’m not concerned. We’ll get it corrected.”

(On if anyone’s performance last night against Baltimore helped or hurt their cause in making the team)

“I thought we saw improvement out of the young linebackers, so I think that obviously has increased their chances, especially on special teams.”

(On QB Sam Bradford’s preseason and if he saw what he wanted out of him)

“Had we felt like he needed more work, we would have created a situation where we’d let him play last night, but I think he had a good preseason. He’s got a great understanding of what we’re doing. He’s doing some really good things on the practice field. He’s ready, he’s ready to go.”

(On if Bradford will be more involved this year in game planning)

“As you mature in the system, I think it’s easier from a quarterback’s standpoint to be able to say, ‘Hey, I like this,’ as opposed to, ‘Yeah, I’m not real sure about that.’ As he matures, as you go through the week, you experiment with some things. Is he comfortable with taking it into the game? If not, we’ll take it out. We want him to be comfortable with everything that we’re doing.”

(On if problem areas in the preseason generally carry over into the regular season)

“No, they don’t because you’re doing so much more on the practice field. We’re intentionally not doing things on the field from a scheme standpoint, so that will naturally create some problems with you on third down. But, we like to think we’re going to carry more things into the regular season, it’ll be game planning. We haven’t really game planned much and so, we’re just kind of keeping the things basic. I would expect to see, we’ll get three or four weeks into it and we’ll have to identify some areas that we’re going to have to emphasize.”

(On if he is happy to move on to the regular season)

“Yeah, the players are going to have some time off to take a deep breath and take care of their bodies, and coaches are going to start planning. We’re obviously in the process, had some difficult decisions to make. We’re going to continue with that and we’re going to work over the next two or three days to put the best opening day roster we possibly can together.”

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Postgame Quotes – Rams vs Ravens


Rams Head Coach Jeff Fisher

(On the team’s first half performance)

“They (Baltimore) were 0-for-5 on third down. They completed five passes. They rushed for 24 yards – this is outside the two-minute – and they had 14 points and we had, I think, nine penalties at that point. So, yes we had a nice little candid discussion at halftime regarding that. Unfortunately, you’ve got guys that are trying hard, busting their butt and the reality is most of the flags that were thrown were directed towards players that, unfortunately, are not going to be on the field for us, if there’s any consolation there. We’ve been talking about penalties all week. I’ve shared it with you guys and you know the unsportsmanlike conduct, you just can’t have them. We’ll get those things fixed. I’m happy to report that the starters that we sat got through the game without injury. It’s a little different for us, but we talked about it earlier in the week and felt like this was the best thing for this team as far as starting the regular season. The guys had great work against each other all week, even including yesterday. I informed them about 5:00 (p.m.). We got a chance to look at a lot of young players and I thought it worked out well.”

(On if he told the starters they would sit the game at 5:00 p.m. this evening)


(On his usual tendency to play starters in the fourth preseason game)

“Yeah, typically I have, but I guess in the new world that we’re in, it’s hard to. It’s hard to do that. What that implies is that I’m pleased with where they are right now, those guys that sat. They worked hard. We got a great workout and it allowed them to fast-forward their minds to Arizona.”

(On QB Kellen Clemens)

“Yeah, Kellen did good. He was a little worried about his modeling career after football because he broke his nose, but he came in and played well.”

(On if Clemens had a broken nose tonight)


(On what he liked about tonight’s performance)

“You know, the running backs, the young running backs did well. Benny’s (Cunningham) quick and powerful and same with Zac (Stacy). Way to keep the chains moving. You like to see the second-and-5’s and the second-and-4’s, which was good. I thought defensively, guys made plays. We didn’t have the ability most of the game to match up with them. They went goal-line personnel and we stayed base defense. We kept them out of the end zone. We were out at nickel for some time during the half. We stayed base and got off the field. I thought, and we’ll look at the tape, but thought we saw some improvement out of some of the guys on special teams. It looks like our core group of ‘teams’ is starting to take shape.”

(On if there were any final roster spots up for grabs heading into tonight’s game)

“We have some tough choices, yeah, that we have to sort out, with depth at different positions. The roster may look, initially, a little different than it has in the past. We may carry more at one position and fewer at the others and look for outside help.”

(On if he was concerned about RB Isaiah Pead’s fumble)

“Yeah, this is his second one. We had three of them. Now, ‘Quickie’s’ (WR Brian Quick) was hard. (WR) Tavon’s (Austin) got to learn, when you’re stumbling and trying to keep your balance, the most important thing is protecting the football. Yeah, the hat was on the football and that can’t happen, so we’ll continue to work with him.”

(On DT Jermelle Cudjo)

“Cudjo got to play, yeah. I talked to (Defensive Line) Coach (Mike) Waufle he said he felt like he did pretty well, so we didn’t play him very much. We wanted to get (T) Rodger (Saffold) some more experience. So I think he got about six snaps out there on the right side.”

(On S Matt Daniels displaying good tackling and making big plays tonight)

“Yeah, Matt did against a seasoned tight end, too. You have a one-on-one matchup with (Ravens TE) Dallas (Clark) a couple situations so it was good to see him.”

QB Sam Bradford

(On if he is glad the preseason is over and ready to begin the regular season)

“Yeah, absolutely. I thought we had a really good training camp. I thought we did some really good things during the preseason when we were on the field, and now it’s full steam ahead getting ready for Arizona next week.”

(On if it was nice to see WRs Brian Quick and Tavon Austin be more involved)

“Absolutely. I think it was great. From my perspective today just being able to watch and watching some of those young guys go out there and make plays. We all know what they’re capable of, but it’s always nice when they kind of reaffirm that with their play on the field.”

(On how much more improved the team is compared to last season)

“I think obviously we are much improved at the skill position group just in the sense that we’ve got a lot more speed. I think there’s still a lot of things that we need to clean up as far as details goes. We’re young in that group. Even (TE Jared) Cook, it’s his first year in the system. Like I said, I think we’ve done a lot of really good things in the preseason, but I think in order for us to take that next step, there’s still some things that we can get cleaned up going in to next week.”

(On what needs to be cleaned up)

“Just route depths. Cleaning up some different cuts as far as whether it’s a speed cut, whether we’re going to drop before we break out of it.”

(On cleaning up ‘hot reads’)

“Exactly. I think some of those young guys – I think it was great because our defense throws a lot of looks at us, but I think we still missed some conversions. Just a lot of little things that we’ve got to make sure once we get going next week, we can’t afford to miss things like that.”

(On utilizing more of the playbook next week)

“Yeah, for the most part this preseason, we were pretty ‘vanilla’. I think every team around the league is pretty much the same way. Obviously, there’s some things that we haven’t showed that we need to continue to work in practice.”

(On if penalties are an issue)

“Yeah, absolutely. I think Coach – through our first two or our second and third game I mean we had 20 penalties in two games. You’re not going to win many football games when you have that many penalties. I don’t know what it was tonight, but I think we had nine in the first half. Eleven, that’s inexcusable. If we want to be the team that we can be, penalties is the quickest way to shoot yourself in the foot, and they’re things that we just can’t have.”

(On if penalties are a result of the youth on the team or lack of focus)

“I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s a focus thing. I don’t think we can use the fact that we’re young. It doesn’t matter how young we are, we still can’t make those mistakes.”

(On how excited he is to put it all together in Week 1)

“I’m really excited. I think it will be nice to actually get into an actual game week with a game plan, talk to ‘Schotty’ (Offensive Coordinator Brian Schottenheimer) obviously this weekend and early next week and figure out exactly what we want to do. The preseason is tough in the fact that you pretty much run everything that you have. There’s not really a game plan. There’s a call sheet, but we don’t really sit down and talk. So, it will be nice to actually get into a game week and know exactly what’s going to be on the call sheet and what our plan of attack is.”

CB Janoris Jenkins

(On how the team looks)

“I felt we look pretty good. We’ve got a lot of young guys, we’ve got a lot of veterans. They’ve been great leaders to us. We’ve just got to come together as a team and be ready to go out and play every week.”

S Matt Daniels

(On his performance in the game)

“I feel like I did my job tonight. I went out and made a couple of plays when I had the opportunity to do so. I felt good out there and my knee felt great. I just went out and did my job. Everything else is up to the organization. I’m happy with my performance tonight though.”

(On his interception)

“I actually had a lot of help from (S) Rodney McLeod. He gave me a great reroute because the guy was trying to run an out-and-up and Rodney really pushed him out wide, which allowed me to stay on the inside and go and make the play. I really wanted to get a pick-six, but it didn’t happen. I’m happy though.”

(On the interception being a nice comeback from injury)

“It’s a nice way to finish it off. I’m just relieved. I feel like a lot of weight was lifted off of my shoulders. All of the rehab finally paid off and I’m just happy to be back out there and competing.”

RB Zac Stacy

(On getting into a rhythm with having few carries so far)

“It’s all about getting a rhythm or whatnot, just getting the feel of the game. The more hits you take, the more accustomed you become throughout the game, so it was good to get my feet wet a little bit, series after series after series. I felt like Kellen Clemmens was getting comfortable each drive, so for the most part it was pretty good.”

(On what his role will be among the running backs)

“Whatever the case may be. Right now I’m just trying to develop a role of just whenever I get the opportunity to just make the most of it, to put the offense and this team in the best possible situation to be successful.”

(On making the adjustment from Vanderbilt to NFL and if he could tell the difference when attacking the line of scrimmage)

“No, not really. For the most part I always say that playing at the next level, playing at the SEC, was a great internship to get ready for the next level. A lot of guys were fast, a lot of guys were big, a lot of guys were physical. They could run. That’s the name of the game, so you’ve just got to be able to play a little smarter and always anticipate well, prepare your butt off throughout the week, and it eventually slows down. The game slows down.”

WR Brian Quick

(On his postgame conversation with Torry Holt)

“He was just telling me to continue to grow, continue to build off of what you are doing each week. That helped me. That was great.”

(On if he is getting more comfortable with the offensive system)

“Of course. I have the athleticism. We all do. Playing on this level, you have to be smart. You can’t make mental errors and I’m just trying to minimize my mental errors and continue to grow.”

(On if he was excited to get extended playing time tonight)

“Oh yeah, I don’t want any plays off. I feel like this was the opportunity for me to show everybody that I took a step forward and that I can be a great player.”

(On if tonight was an opportunity to show that he is ready to get some work with the starting unit)

“Oh yeah, I’m ready. Everybody sees that I’m growing and I’m getting better. I have to build that trust with Sam (Bradford). He has to be able to trust me. That’s going to take every day in practice doing everything right.”

(On if he feels like he made a statement today)

“I would say I took a step forward. I feel like I did okay. There are a lot of different things that I know that I could have done better. There are always opportunities for me to get better. I feel like as long as I continue to do what I need to do then I feel like I will be in with the 1’s or wherever Schotty (OC Brian Schottenheimer) decides.”

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Notas del Juego: Rams vs Ravens


– Los Rams vencieron a los Ravens , 24-21 , en el último juego de pretemporada de 2013 . Los Ravens siguen contando con la ventaja de todos los tiempos sobre los Rams en los juegos de pretemporada 3-1. Los Rams terminan la pretemporada 1-3.

– El QB Kellen Clemens arrancó desde el inicio y vio acción en la primera mitad, no jugo durante una serie debido a una hemorragia nasal . Completó 13 de 18 pases para 188 yardas. Clemens logró un rating de 105.8, su índice más alto de la pretemporada.

– El WR Brian Quick registró una recepción de 26 yardas en el territorio de los Ravens, para poner a los Rams en la línea de 3 yardas de Baltimore. La jugada ayudó a configurar una anotación para el RB Zac Stacy . Quick terminó la noche como líder del equipo con cinco recepciones para 60 yardas, un promedio de 12 yardas.

– Stacy anotó su primer touchdown en el uniforme de los Rams en una carrera de 1 yarda . Él terminó la noche con 11 acarreos para 37 yardas.

– El WR Steadman Bailey atrapó un pase de 21 yardas de Clemens. Y añadió una recepción de 17 yardas para terminar con dos recepciones para 38 yardas.

– En la primera mitad del juego, la ofensiva de los Rams acumuló 235 yardas (61 por tierra, 174 por pase) , 10 primeros intentos y ganó en el tiempo de posesión con 18:17.

– El QB Austin Davis vio acción en la segunda mitad y completó 6 de 13 pases para 50 yardas y dos touchdowns. Davis terminó con un rating de 96,2 como pasador.

– El RB Benny Cunningham vio acción prolongada en la segunda mitad y acarreó el balón ocho veces para 76 yardas, incluyendo el mas largo de 29 yardas y un promedio de 9.5 yardas. Cunningham lideró al equipo en yardas por tierra.

– Davis conectó con el receptor abierto Nick Johnson para una recepción de touchdown de 4 yardas. Marca el segundo partido de la pretemporada que Davis y Johnson han conectado en la zona de anotación.

– El RB Chase Reynolds atrapó un pase en el backfield de Davis y lo llevó 17 yardas para un touchdown. Su primera como Ram. Reynolds también corrió cinco veces para 15 yardas .

– El S Matt Daniels interceptó al QB Caleb Hanie de los Ravens y lo devolvió 12 yardas.

– El DE Mason Brodine recuperó un balón suelto de Hanie y lo devolvió 18 yardas hasta la línea de 35 yardas de Baltimore.

– El CB Andre Martin derribó al RB Anthony Allen haciéndole soltar el balón en la línea de gol, el balón suelto fue recogido por el LB Jo- Lonn Dunbar quien lo regresó 10 yardas hasta la yarda 16 de St. Louis.

– El DE Gerald Rivers anotó una captura sobre Hanie para marcar su segundo partido consecutivo con una captura. También derribó al RB Delone Carter en la línea de golpeo para una pérdida de 4 yardas. Rivers dirigió al equipo en tacleadas en solitario con seis , según las estadísticas.

– El CB Drew Thomas interceptó un pase de Hanie en la yarda 4 de St. Louis con 26 segundos en el reloj para sellar la victoria.

– En la noche, la defensa de los Rams consiguió cuatro pérdidas de balón (dos balones sueltos y dos intercepciones) contra dos de los Ravens , cada uno de los balones sueltos fueron recuperados.

– El K Greg Zuerlein convirtió un gol de campo de 46 yardas.

– El P Jonny Hekker despejó siete veces para 313 yardas, un promedio de 44.7 yardas y 40.4 yardas netas. Hekker registró el despeje mas largo de 53 yardas y lo colocó dentro de la línea de 20 yardas.

Previa Pretemporada Semana 4: Rams vs Ravens


Los St. Louis Rams reciben esta noche en el Edward Jones Dome a los campeones reinantes, Baltimore Ravens, en el que será el ultimo juego de la pretemporada para ambos equipos y para toda la liga.

A esta altura y con una semana de empezar la temporada regular muchos equipos prefieren guardar a sus titulares y mantenerlos sanos para no correr ningún riesgo de lesión, Baltimore enfrentará a los Denver Broncos en la apertura del campeonato 2013 el jueves próximo.

Es muy probable que Joe Flacco, Ray Rice y otros jugadores claves no vean acción esta noche, por el lado de los Rams calculo que veremos a la mayoría de los titulares en las primeras marchas del juego.

Las posiciones en batalla aún aparecen en juego, en la posición de mariscal reserva Davis y Clemens disputan ese lugar y la posición de profundo también estará bajo la lupa.

La lista final sin duda incluirá a cinco receptores abiertos: Chris Givens, Tavon Austin, Austin Pettis, Brian Quick y Stedman Bailey pero aun se podría incluir un sexto jugador. Si pasa esto, la última plaza podría ser para Nick Johnson, o uno de los dos novatos no reclutados, Justin Veltung o Emory Blake, por lo que pueden jugar mucho en contra de los Ravens. Veltung podría tener una ventaja en su juego por estar en equipos especiales.

El novato Stedman Bailey debe recibir mayor atención en su intento de ascender en la tabla de profundidad, mientras que el novato apoyador Alec Ogletree debe continuar tomando experiencia de cara al comienzo de temporada.

A tener un ojo puesto en los jugadores que se destacan en equipos especiales, son los que suelen encontrar un lugar en la lista final de 53 jugadores.

En la pretemporada la atención se centró en Sam Bradford y su conjunto actualizado de receptores, el ataque terrestre de los Rams ha pasado desapercibido en el juegos de pretemporada. No hemos visto un gran desempeño en los corredores y no hemos visto grandes jugadas, pero sabemos que Daryl Richardson será el primer corredor para abrir la temporada. Los Rams han ganado 92, 52 y 50 yardas en los tres juegos con un promedio de apenas 3 yardas por acarreo. Según Fisher veremos un poco mas de acarreos, Richardson realizó cinco acarreos en Denver, el sábado pasado después de no conseguir ningún acarreos en la Semana 2 ante Green Bay. Sin embargo, los Rams saben lo que puede hacer Richardson.

El seleccionado en segunda ronda del año pasado, Isaías Pead, no se ha distinguido en la pretemporada y está fuera de la apertura de la temporada debido a una suspensión de la liga. Eso deja a un par de novatos, Zac Stacy y el no reclutado Benny Cunningham, como los candidatos más probables a jugar a espaldas de Richardson.

El pronóstico para este partido es:



Historia Rams vs Ravens


Los St. Louis Rams concluyen sus juegos de pretemporada siendo anfitriones de los defensores campeones del Super Bowl, los Baltimore Ravens, este jueves por la noche en el Edward Jones Dome.

El partido del jueves marca la segunda temporada consecutiva y la tercera vez en cuatro años que los Ravens han visitado St. Louis en la semana 4 de la pretemporada.

Los Rams y Ravens también jugaron en la semana 3 de la temporada regular 2011, es decir, este juego de la semana marca el cuarto año en que Baltimore ha jugado en el Edward Jones Dome.

Los Ravens tienen una ventaja de 3-2 en los juegos de todos los tiempos en temporada regular, mientras que los Rams han ganado los tres anteriores encuentros de pretemporada.

El último partido de pretemporada será especial para el novato WR/PR Tavon Austin. La primera selección general de St. Louis en el draft de abril, Austin es nativo de Baltimore. Él y su compañero de primera ronda el LB Alec Ogletree ambos hicieron jugadas claves la semana pasada en Denver. Austin regresó una patada de despeje de 81 yardas para luego los Rams consiguieran un touchdowns, mientras que Ogletree forzó un balón suelto que recuperó y regresó para una anotación, también interceptó un pase de Peyton Manning para poner fin a una amenaza ofensiva de Denver.

• Serie general pretemporada: Rams lidera, 3-0.

• Serie general temporada regular: Ravens lidera, 3-2.

• Rams temporada regular record de local vs Ravens: 2-1.

• Rams temporada regular record de visitante vs Baltimore Ravens: 0-2.

• Racha actual: Ravens, dos juegos (2007-presente).

• Rams racha más larga: dos juegos (1999-2003).

• Ravens racha más larga: Ravens, dos juegos (2007-presente).

• Temporada regular puntos totales: Rams 101 – 128 Ravens.

• Mayor número de puntos, Rams: 33, Rams 33-22 (2003).

• Mayor número de puntos, Ravens: 37 (dos veces), los Ravens 37-31, OT (1996); Ravens 37-7 (2011).

• Mayor número de puntos, ambos equipos: 68, Ravens 37-31, OT (1996).

• Menor cantidad de puntos, Rams: 3, Ravens 22-3 (2007).

• Menor cantidad de puntos, Ravens: 10, Rams 27-10 (1999).

• Menor cantidad de puntos, ambos equipos: 25, Ravens 22-3 (2007).